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Fallout New Vegas Enb Black Screen

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If you move any Fallout: New Vegas file that has a companion following onto a memory unit, then you insert the memory unit into an Xbox 360 without Xbox Live, and no title updates on either the Xbox or the memory unit, the current companion will keep entering conversation if they get too close to the player while following. Google little caesars. This was only tested. Aug 08, 2015.

Fallout 3 / New Vegas version work with both these games the same.
Requirement of the mod to work properly is hdr must be enabled in game video options.
Most versions do not support hardware antialiasing, so do not enable it in game video options or in video driver control panel (especially important for AMD users), overwise you will see bugs (transparent objects is the most common artifact). Deferred rendering do not support antialiasing in dx9 and it used for higher blending quality of ambient occlusions and detailed shadows.
Many software types have compatibility issues with the mod because they hook in to game process or graphics, so make sure you do not run anything like that. This includes Steam overlay, EVGA, Afterburner, Avast antivirus, EMET, D3D Overrider, Razor and Logitek utils.
ENBoost memory manager is included in all versions after 0.202, if you don't need graphic effects, disable the mod in enbseries.ini
Not many effects made, because engine use multipass rendering and 2_0 shaders, this require too much effort to modify manually (parallax for terrain only possible with rewriting shaders to 3_0).
Implemented color and lighting corrections, programmable post processing effects, sun rays, ambient occlusions and indirect lighting, detailed shadows.
Included default preset is not configured, download customized from other sites like Nexus or from the forum.

Okay, this is weird. FNV was working fine yesterday afternoon. Yesterday evening, after work, I decide to get rid of my ENB. So I remove it and all associated files, and re-tweak my ini back to normal (basically just turning Fullscreen back on, and re-enabling normal AA and AS).

When I went to load, I got a black screen, but I could hear the standard opening music playing. So I wait a couple minutes, but nothing happens. I fiddle with the controls, and I can hear the sound of my mouse running over menu options I can't see. So I ALT+F4 it, run FNVEdit, and no errors. So I try again. Same problem.

Since the only thing I changed was my ENB, I re-installed, and re-edited my .INI files, being sure to follow the instructions exactly.

Fallout New Vegas Enb Black Screen

Enbdev Fallout New Vegas

Fallout new vegas rudy enb

Enbdev Fallout New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas Enb Black Screen Download

Same problem, only now I get the ENB overlay. Xbox 1 remote app. WTF? What did I break?

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